Tabletop Roleplaying games and supplements

Adventures in Norwatch: Inheritance is now available!

Choose from pdf or print on demand options!

Dungeon Drop-Ins Was Successfully funded on Kickstarter!! 

One Night at the Inn was a successful Kickstarter!

Did you miss the campaign? You can still order the pdf on Drivethrurpg. Don't miss out!

Battlemaps, random tables, encounters... Everything you need to create fantasy inns and run adventures inside!

Why waste a long rest... when you can have another encounter? 

One Night at the Inn comes with 26 digital inn maps to explore!

The Bogden Road Country Inn, 1st Floor

Grumdin Proudbeard, Innkeeper

One Night at the inn is

Now Available on Drivethrurpg!

Another successful Kickstarter!

Create custom caves with the SEG Cavern Tileset: 

Corridors, rooms, dead ends, stairs, open plans... everything you need to make awesome caverns for use on your favorite virtual tabletop. 

The Seg Cavern Tileset is Available now on

You can purchase is here:

A successful Kickstarter!

Map Pack One, 25 fantasy maps for virtual table tops. Check out the Kickstarter link here:

Map Pack One is now Available on

Writer: Chris Zapalo. Maps created using Inkarnate Pro. 

Status Effect Games LLC formed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2018.